Saturday, September 22, 2007


I am shy to speak my heart,
Even more if to spit my sorrow.
I say it all but in mood too merry,
So I don’t die with secrets tomorrow!

I told them all who ought to know,
All who gave their words and ears.
But, so cooked with joy and truth,
That my pain is still mine after years!!

True that people think a lot.
Truer even, if a friend it is.
Thus I can’t share this blissful pain,
Cause for them, this pain’s no bliss.

Thus, in smiling lips I lay my faith.
So, friends learn my hides and stage.
Keeping all tears to myself, I share not.
The cruel silence of a loner I wage.

You know nothing of what I am in.
You are not trying is what it seems.
This all, is meant for who’s meant for me.
Even paradise ,the word, is unworthy for my dreams.

You may never cite or learn,
That tears flow from this man’s eyes!
Oh! Lend me Faith. And You’ll know,You will
How in your thoughts my soul cries.
SHADOWS OF SMILESocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well my dear..pain is bliss..true bliss.What I have learned from pain is that nobody wants to share it.In the end u are left alone.All alone..But pain builds character and it's intensity,the mental strength.Your way of writing is simple and stylised...I love it!!!


Elite Nth_Samurai - NEWS

Dear Reader,
Thank you for taking the pain and reading my works.Glad you could give time.There are a lot of poems and articles that I have not yet posted . I believe in free speech but I am not a patron of typing (most of them are in diaries).

Please help me enhance my will to write more and flood Blogger by saving your opinions beside my posts.

I will try and return the debt.
