Saturday, September 22, 2007


I grow older every second,
These walls watch me grow.
I learn to live and live to learn,
But when I am gone what do I know?

Bid my soul the best,
A long road awaits my feet.
I take off, fearing dead ends,
There are no guides, game’s sans cheat.

Confused I am and I Know.
I pity all ignorant souls!
Life is a joke and the world an illusion.
The moon is amused, the sun has dark moles.

Living this drama , reality stays in screens,
Time is the playwright with skills.
All fingers raised were left unanswered.
There lay a viewer above all hills.

Chaos and peace , perfected by the Master,
I run in the direction of flaws.
Defy the play, acting my own way,
Maybe I will find the answer in my claws.

I write my plan ,but time is aware!
what if it’s part of the show?
It leaves me again wondering..
When I am gone what do I know?
THE PLAYSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

1 comment:

scintilla said...

Wow! Loved how each and every word represents a beautiful meaning...
Amazzzing poem...great imagination and choice of words.
Look forward to more.
Keep writing :)

Elite Nth_Samurai - NEWS

Dear Reader,
Thank you for taking the pain and reading my works.Glad you could give time.There are a lot of poems and articles that I have not yet posted . I believe in free speech but I am not a patron of typing (most of them are in diaries).

Please help me enhance my will to write more and flood Blogger by saving your opinions beside my posts.

I will try and return the debt.
