Monday, September 15, 2008

Numerologically se7en, Dunno when

A rude meet through satellite waves,

A chat begun on June's 3rd day.

No reason why they talked, but did

Their roads met the dot com way.

Thousand thoughts swirled the mind

none 'Adios','Aye', nor 'chao','ahoy'

Thousand possibilities, a billion more

An Indian Bandi and a Desi Boy.

The girl kept busy with life's struggles

The boy too proud to say he's alone

They had their reasons on June 2007

Too many reasons, little known.

A strange truce arose with the chats that came

No hand was raised, not that they were dumb.

They shared all that words can share

But none asked where those words came from.

Not a hint to say 'I knew that soul'

Besides few words on the Gmail log.

And of course the boy's pictures were shared

And they visited each others blog.

Wonders realized through the tamed mind

Not itching to lose what is hard to find

How many have your own Casper,

The Tooth-fairy, The Zoo, The Angels divine.

'We can be good friends', one of them said,

'if we meet.' through numeric tales.

That 'dunno when' meeting they fixed

is approaching the clouds at the speed of snails.

They talked with grace unharmed with time

They gave themselves to their Gtalk clone.

The girl grew deeper as he knew more

But the boy too proud to say he is alone.

Happy Birthday IS THROUGH ME!!

Numerologically se7en, Dunno whenSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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Elite Nth_Samurai - NEWS

Dear Reader,
Thank you for taking the pain and reading my works.Glad you could give time.There are a lot of poems and articles that I have not yet posted . I believe in free speech but I am not a patron of typing (most of them are in diaries).

Please help me enhance my will to write more and flood Blogger by saving your opinions beside my posts.

I will try and return the debt.
