Sunday, June 21, 2009


Dear readers(if any) and the blog in itself,

It had been a pleasure to be a part of your interest and time. This is my final post. I will not publish poems anymore for the very simple reason that I can't. I am without a muse, without inspiration. But I will not delete this blog for I may one day look back and smile to who I was. I have had a great time venting out myself in this blog. The poet in me is pretty much alive to myself.

Thank You
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Elite Nth_Samurai - NEWS

Dear Reader,
Thank you for taking the pain and reading my works.Glad you could give time.There are a lot of poems and articles that I have not yet posted . I believe in free speech but I am not a patron of typing (most of them are in diaries).

Please help me enhance my will to write more and flood Blogger by saving your opinions beside my posts.

I will try and return the debt.
