Monday, February 16, 2009

Our Tree

Freedom, fighters will fight.
Not that they hate or love
The fact that I do.
Just that they see things from above.
All I know.

And this day, we said will be ours’.
Those were the hours of dawn,
A day passed, hit us all.
You never guessed this would come on.
The all you know.

Prisoners, free as they wanted
You are as free as you want.
You, prisoner of all,
Know the freedom you haunt.
So, you’ll know.

Fire seeds, bore out of my tree
As I watched it get burnt.
And beyond it's shade, I found light.
More to night, than the shade I learnt.
Sunlight show.

Our focus dictates what we see, which reinforces our focus, further confining the possibility of what we will see.
Our TreeSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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Elite Nth_Samurai - NEWS

Dear Reader,
Thank you for taking the pain and reading my works.Glad you could give time.There are a lot of poems and articles that I have not yet posted . I believe in free speech but I am not a patron of typing (most of them are in diaries).

Please help me enhance my will to write more and flood Blogger by saving your opinions beside my posts.

I will try and return the debt.
