Friday, September 19, 2008

First Flight

Sorry. But it won't bring you back
that which you were supposed to have only once
Did they hurt you too bad, they usually do
They took away,didn't they, your only first chance.
They let you know the harshness, those bastards
They cut your wings at your highest flight.
They gifted you reality, oh!what good!?
They always choose the worse of good and right.
They made you afraid of clouds,poor bird.
Now you seek that metal cage to hide.
Don't fly away from yourself,tell me
Let the sun be your aim, me the guide.
Fly through me,let us be one.
Though they broke your faith besides those wings.
Let me build that faith,save it forever.
Let me be your sky,the song my bird sings.
First FlightSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

1 comment:

elessar said...

GOD, i didn't know until now that u were such an exceptional poet! Kudos man, unbelievable poem yaar... keep following this great passion of yours... seriously great poems mate..

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